PEOPLE, STRATEGY, EXECUTION AND CASH In New Zealand, we have around 500,000 businesses. Only 2.7% have reached $5m in annual revenue, and less than 0.3% have reached $50m. We have plenty of businesses that start up; the problem is that not enough scale up. Why is this? The truth is that it’s very difficult to scale… Continue reading 4 Decisions to a more profitable and enjoyable business
Category: Execution
The Rockefeller Habits Checklist – the most important list in your business
American athlete and politician Jim Ryun once said, “Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going.” It’s all very well to take off from the starting block with fire in the belly. It’s the ‘keeping going’ that really matters. And that’s where habits come in, especially in a business that’s growing… Continue reading The Rockefeller Habits Checklist – the most important list in your business